Перевод: с русского на английский

с английского на русский

with both feet

  • 1 (см.) jump in feet first

    Idiomatic expression: jump in with both feet

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > (см.) jump in feet first

  • 2 jump in feet first

    Idiomatic expression: (см.) jump in with both feet

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > jump in feet first

  • 3 решительно

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > решительно

  • 4 полностью

    1) General subject: ( in) hide and hair, all over, all ready, all the (the whole) way, all to pieces, at full stretch, at large, blankly, clean, completely, dead, down to rock bottom, entirely, every bit, exactly, from A to Z, from cover to cover, full blast, hundred per cent, hundred-per-cent, in all (a dozen in all - всего дюжина), in full, in its entirety, in whole, long, neck and crop, out and away, out and out, outright, overall, purely, quite, radically, right, right down, roundly, sheer, soundly, stark, stock and barrel, (в сложных словах имеет значение) stone, the whole shop, thorough stitch, thorough-stitch, to a T, to the fingernails, to the top of (one's) bent, totally, toto caelo, up and down, up to here, way, well, well and truly, whole hog, whole-hog, without reserve, all-out, fully, implicitly, wholly, utterly, overwhelmingly, by the slump, in the slump, sheerly, comprehensively, back and edge, plain out
    2) Naval: over-all
    5) French: a fond, fond
    6) Literal: wholesale
    9) Religion: from A to izzard
    10) Railway term: all
    11) Economy: in toto
    12) Pharmacology: drip dry
    13) Insurance: In full (lumpsum) (люмпсум)
    14) Australian slang: the whole bang lot
    15) Scottish language: athegither
    16) Jargon: body and breeches, flat-out, stone, plumb (I'm plumb fed up with this mess. Я полностью сыт по горло этим бардаком.), but (This thing has to be done but good. Это дело было полностью сделано.), massively, mondo, full sesh, cold, full-blast full blast
    17) Emotional: in extenso, right-down
    18) Business: all in all, all-in-all, 100%
    19) Invective: up the ass, shit
    20) Sakhalin R: all inclusive
    21) Makarov: all the way, all the whole way, chock, chuck, clear, closely, directly, down to the ground, every inch, full, good and proper, integrally, rich, richly, right to a T, solid, the whole way, through, to the full, to the top of (one's) bent (Shakespeare), top of (one's) bent (Shakespeare), up to the hilt, full advantage
    22) Marketology: in their entirety
    23) Phraseological unit: to a full degree, to the fullest degree

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > полностью

  • 5 целиком

    1) General subject: ( all) of a piece (и полностью), (in) hide and hair, all, all-in-all, at large, bodily, by the slump, clear, completely, entirely, every inch, from cover to cover, fully, holus bolus, holus-bolus, in (the) block, in one piece, in the slump, in total, in whole, of one piece, of one piece with (и полностью), out and out, purely, stock and barrel, stock and block, the whole shop, to the bone, wholly, end to end, up to the hilt, back and edge, to one's fingertips
    4) Latin: in toto
    5) Engineering: integrally
    7) Economy: en bloc, in the lump
    9) Patents: en masse
    10) Business: all in all, in bulk, in extenso
    11) Makarov: all of a piece, closely, in (by) the slump, in block, in the block, solid

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > целиком

  • 6 кораблик

    1. spread eagle


    Термин в фигурном катании, обозначающий движение на двух коньках, поставленных пятками друг к другу. Может исполняться как на внутренних, так и на наружных ребрах.
    [Департамент лингвистических услуг Оргкомитета «Сочи 2014». Глоссарий терминов]


    spread eagle
    Element in figure skating performed with both feet on the ice, the blades turned out with the heels pointing towards each other. It can be performed on inside edges or outside edges.
    [Департамент лингвистических услуг Оргкомитета «Сочи 2014». Глоссарий терминов]



    Русско-английский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > кораблик

  • 7 твёрдо

    1) General subject: crisply (говорить), down the line, down-the-line, fast, firm, fixedly, for sure, hard, obdurately, square, surely, well, play fast and loose, staunchly
    2) American: with both feet
    3) Obsolete: hardly
    4) Engineering: firmly, solidly
    5) Mathematics: soundly, steadfastly
    6) Jargon: pat
    7) Oil: rigidly

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > твёрдо

  • 8 обе

    Русско-английский большой базовый словарь > обе

  • 9 В-65

    НА ВЕСУ держать что (less often кого), держаться и т. п. PrepP Invar adv
    (to hold, keep etc sth. or, occas., s.o) in a hanging position, without support from below or supported only by a persons hand(s): (hold s.o. or sth. (keep s.o. or sth., remain etc)) suspended (dangling) in midair (mid-air)
    (hold s.o. sth.) in midair hanging in midair (hold (keep etc) sth.) balanced (in one's hand (hands)) (in limited contexts) (weigh sth.) in one's hand(s) hold up sth.
    Гай ухватывает Ленчика за горло обеими руками, перетягивает за стену и держит на весу (Солженицын 8). Gai grabs Lennie by the throat with both hands, pushes him over the wall and holds him there in mid-air (8a).
    Вместо того чтоб держать посылку бережно на весу, неопытный посланец кинул её на дно телеги... (Салтыков-Щедрин 1). Instead of keeping the parcel carefully balanced, the inexperienced messenger tossed it into the bottom of the wagon... (1a).
    Евсей щепал лучину. Ловко, красиво сбегал с полена тонкий розовато-белый ремень... А когда этот ремень совсем отделился от полена, Евсей не дал ему упасть на пол, а быстро подхватил его и покачал на весу: а ну-ка, скажи, друг-приятель, на что ты пригоден... и бросил отдельно, в сторону от растопки, - надо полагать, для дела (Абрамов 1)....Evsei was chopping kindling. A thin pinkish-white strip came beautifully away from the log....And when the strip had detached itself completely from the log, Evsei did not let it fall to the ground, but quickly caught it up and weighed it in his hand: Well now, my dear friend, tell me what you're fit for....Then he tossed it over to a place separate from the kindling, presumably to use for some job (1a).
    ...Два ружья разом грохнули, хрипло завизжала Калинка, бросившаяся под ноги качнувшемуся вперед медведю... Ду-дырев и Митягин стояли не шевелясь, держа на весу ружья, всё ещё сочившиеся дымком (Тендряков 1)....Ttoo rifles cracked simultaneously. Kalinka gave a hoarse yelp and threw herself at the feet of the bear as he swayed forward....Dudyrev and Mityagin stood stock-still, holding up their rifles which were still smoking (1a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > В-65

  • 10 на весу

    НА ВЕСУ держать что (less often кого), держаться и т.п.
    [PrepP; Invar; adv]
    (to hold, keep etc sth. or, occas., s.o) in a hanging position, without support from below or supported only by a persons hand(s):
    - (hold s.o. or sth. <keep s.o. or sth., remain etc>) suspended (dangling) in midair < mid-air>;
    - (hold s.o. < sth.>) in midair;
    - (hold <keep etc> sth.) balanced (in one's hand < hands>);
    - [in limited contexts](weigh sth.) in one's hand(s);
    - hold up sth.
         ♦ Гай ухватывает Лёнчика за горло обеими руками, перетягивает за стену и держит на весу (Солженицын 8). Gai grabs Lennie by the throat with both hands, pushes him over the wall and holds him there in mid-air (8a).
         ♦ Вместо того чтоб держать посылку бережно на весу, неопытный посланец кинул её на дно телеги... (Салтыков-Щедрин 1). Instead of keeping the parcel carefully balanced, the inexperienced messenger tossed it into the bottom of the wagon... (1a).
         ♦...Евсей щепал лучину. Ловко, красиво сбегал с полена тонкий розовато-белый ремень... А когда этот ремень совсем отделился от полена, Евсей не дал ему упасть на пол, а быстро подхватил его и покачал на весу: а ну-ка, скажи, друг-приятель, на что ты пригоден... и бросил отдельно, в сторону от растопки, - надо полагать, для дела (Абрамов 1)....Evsei was chopping kindling. A thin pinkish-white strip came beautifully away from the log....And when the strip had detached itself completely from the log, Evsei did not let it fall to the ground, but quickly caught it up and weighed it in his hand: Well now, my dear friend, tell me what you're fit for....Then he tossed it over to a place separate from the kindling, presumably to use for some job (1a).
         ♦...Два ружья разом грохнули, хрипло завизжала Калинка, бросившаяся под ноги качнувшемуся вперёд медведю... Дудырев и Митягин стояли не шевелясь, держа на весу ружья, всё ещё сочившиеся дымком (Тендряков 1)....Two rifles cracked simultaneously. Kalinka gave a hoarse yelp and threw herself at the feet of the bear as he swayed forward....Dudyrev and Mityagin stood stock-still, holding up their rifles which were still smoking (1a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > на весу

  • 11 Н-131

    ЕДВА (ЁЛЕ, ЧУТЬ, С ТРУДОМ) ДЕРЖАТЬСЯ (СТОИТЬ) НА НОГАХ НА НОГАХ НЕ ДЕРЖАТЬСЯ (НЕ СТОИТЬ) VP subj: human usu. pres or past) to walk with difficulty (because of exhaustion, weakness, intoxication etc)
    X едва держится на ногах \Н-131 X can hardly (barely, scarcely) stand on his feet
    X can hardly (barely, scarcely) stand up (straight) X is having a hard time (is experiencing some difficulty) staying on his feet (in limited contexts) X is almost dropping from fatigue X is dead on his feet.
    (Ольга:) Я устала, едва на ногах стою... (Чехов 5). (О.:) I'm tired, I can barely stand on my feet... (5c).
    (author's usage) «Ну, веришь, Порфирий, (Раскольников) сам едва на ногах, а чуть только мы, я да Зосимов, вчера отвернулись - оделся и удрал потихоньку и куролесил где-то чуть не до полночи...» (Достоевский 3). "Would you believe it, Porfiry, he (Raskolnikov) could hardly stand up, but as soon as we-Zossimov and I-turned our backs yesterday, he got dressed and made off on the sly, and carried on somewhere till almost midnight..." (3c).
    Зурин поминутно мне подливал, повторяя, что надобно к службе привыкать. Встав из-за стола, я чуть держался на ногах... (Пушкин 2). Zurin kept filling my glass, repeating that I must get used to the ways of the Service. When I rose from the table, I could hardly stand up straight (2b).
    Договор был обмыт, и в сумерках, покидая контору, оба с трудом держались на ногах (Войнович 2). The agreement was sealed with a drink and when, at twilight, the two of them left the office, they were both experiencing some difficulty staying on their feet (2a).
    Главное было передохнуть и не ездить в Москву. Передышка нам была нужна как воздух. И психически сил не хватало на нищенство у довольно бедных людей, хотя по тем временам они казались богачами, и главное — потому что мы оба еле держались на ногах (Мандельштам 2)....The main thing for us was to have a break from our journeys into Moscow. We needed this as much as air to breathe. We just had no heart anymore for the business of begging from people who were themselves quite poor-though by the standards of those times they seemed very well off. But even more to the point, we were almost dropping from fatigue (2a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > Н-131

  • 12 едва держаться на ногах

    [VP; subj: human; usu. pres or past]
    to walk with difficulty (because of exhaustion, weakness, intoxication etc):
    - X едва держится на ногах X can hardly (barely, scarcely) stand on his feet;
    - X can hardly (barely, scarcely) stand up (straight);
    - X is having a hard time (is experiencing some difficulty) staying on his feet;
    - [in limited contexts] X is almost dropping from fatigue;
    - X is dead on his feet.
         ♦ [Ольга:] Я устала, едва на ногах стою... (Чехов 5). [О.:] I'm tired, I can barely stand on my feet... (5c).
         ♦ [author's usage] "Ну, веришь, Порфирий, [Раскольников] сам едва на ногах, а чуть только мы, я да Зосимов, вчера отвернулись - оделся и удрал потихоньку и куролесил где-то чуть не до полночи..." (Достоевский 3). "Would you believe it, Porfiry, he [Raskolnikov] could hardly stand up, but as soon as we-Zossimov and I-turned our backs yesterday, he got dressed and made off on the sly, and carried on somewhere till almost midnight..." (3c).
         ♦ Зурин поминутно мне подливал, повторяя, что надобно к службе привыкать. Встав из-за стола, я чуть держался на ногах... (Пушкин 2). Zurin kept filling my glass, repeating that I must get used to the ways of the Service. When I rose from the table, I could hardly stand up straight (2b).
         ♦ Договор был обмыт, и в сумерках, покидая контору, оба с трудом держались на ногах (Войнович 2). The agreement was sealed with a drink and when, at twilight, the two of them left the office, they were both experiencing some difficulty staying on their feet (2a).
         ♦ Главное было передохнуть и не ездить в Москву. Передышка нам была нужна как воздух. И психически сил не хватало на нищенство у довольно бедных людей, хотя по тем временам они казались богачами, и главное - потому что мы оба еле держались на ногах (Мандельштам 2)....The main thing for us was to have a break from our journeys into Moscow. We needed this as much as air to breathe. We just had no heart anymore for the business of begging from people who were themselves quite poor - though by the standards of those times they seemed very well off. But even more to the point, we were almost dropping from fatigue (2a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > едва держаться на ногах

  • 13 едва стоять на ногах

    [VP; subj: human; usu. pres or past]
    to walk with difficulty (because of exhaustion, weakness, intoxication etc):
    - X едва держится на ногах X can hardly (barely, scarcely) stand on his feet;
    - X can hardly (barely, scarcely) stand up (straight);
    - X is having a hard time (is experiencing some difficulty) staying on his feet;
    - [in limited contexts] X is almost dropping from fatigue;
    - X is dead on his feet.
         ♦ [Ольга:] Я устала, едва на ногах стою... (Чехов 5). [О.:] I'm tired, I can barely stand on my feet... (5c).
         ♦ [author's usage] "Ну, веришь, Порфирий, [Раскольников] сам едва на ногах, а чуть только мы, я да Зосимов, вчера отвернулись - оделся и удрал потихоньку и куролесил где-то чуть не до полночи..." (Достоевский 3). "Would you believe it, Porfiry, he [Raskolnikov] could hardly stand up, but as soon as we-Zossimov and I-turned our backs yesterday, he got dressed and made off on the sly, and carried on somewhere till almost midnight..." (3c).
         ♦ Зурин поминутно мне подливал, повторяя, что надобно к службе привыкать. Встав из-за стола, я чуть держался на ногах... (Пушкин 2). Zurin kept filling my glass, repeating that I must get used to the ways of the Service. When I rose from the table, I could hardly stand up straight (2b).
         ♦ Договор был обмыт, и в сумерках, покидая контору, оба с трудом держались на ногах (Войнович 2). The agreement was sealed with a drink and when, at twilight, the two of them left the office, they were both experiencing some difficulty staying on their feet (2a).
         ♦ Главное было передохнуть и не ездить в Москву. Передышка нам была нужна как воздух. И психически сил не хватало на нищенство у довольно бедных людей, хотя по тем временам они казались богачами, и главное - потому что мы оба еле держались на ногах (Мандельштам 2)....The main thing for us was to have a break from our journeys into Moscow. We needed this as much as air to breathe. We just had no heart anymore for the business of begging from people who were themselves quite poor - though by the standards of those times they seemed very well off. But even more to the point, we were almost dropping from fatigue (2a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > едва стоять на ногах

  • 14 еле держаться на ногах

    [VP; subj: human; usu. pres or past]
    to walk with difficulty (because of exhaustion, weakness, intoxication etc):
    - X едва держится на ногах X can hardly (barely, scarcely) stand on his feet;
    - X can hardly (barely, scarcely) stand up (straight);
    - X is having a hard time (is experiencing some difficulty) staying on his feet;
    - [in limited contexts] X is almost dropping from fatigue;
    - X is dead on his feet.
         ♦ [Ольга:] Я устала, едва на ногах стою... (Чехов 5). [О.:] I'm tired, I can barely stand on my feet... (5c).
         ♦ [author's usage] "Ну, веришь, Порфирий, [Раскольников] сам едва на ногах, а чуть только мы, я да Зосимов, вчера отвернулись - оделся и удрал потихоньку и куролесил где-то чуть не до полночи..." (Достоевский 3). "Would you believe it, Porfiry, he [Raskolnikov] could hardly stand up, but as soon as we-Zossimov and I-turned our backs yesterday, he got dressed and made off on the sly, and carried on somewhere till almost midnight..." (3c).
         ♦ Зурин поминутно мне подливал, повторяя, что надобно к службе привыкать. Встав из-за стола, я чуть держался на ногах... (Пушкин 2). Zurin kept filling my glass, repeating that I must get used to the ways of the Service. When I rose from the table, I could hardly stand up straight (2b).
         ♦ Договор был обмыт, и в сумерках, покидая контору, оба с трудом держались на ногах (Войнович 2). The agreement was sealed with a drink and when, at twilight, the two of them left the office, they were both experiencing some difficulty staying on their feet (2a).
         ♦ Главное было передохнуть и не ездить в Москву. Передышка нам была нужна как воздух. И психически сил не хватало на нищенство у довольно бедных людей, хотя по тем временам они казались богачами, и главное - потому что мы оба еле держались на ногах (Мандельштам 2)....The main thing for us was to have a break from our journeys into Moscow. We needed this as much as air to breathe. We just had no heart anymore for the business of begging from people who were themselves quite poor - though by the standards of those times they seemed very well off. But even more to the point, we were almost dropping from fatigue (2a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > еле держаться на ногах

  • 15 еле стоять на ногах

    [VP; subj: human; usu. pres or past]
    to walk with difficulty (because of exhaustion, weakness, intoxication etc):
    - X едва держится на ногах X can hardly (barely, scarcely) stand on his feet;
    - X can hardly (barely, scarcely) stand up (straight);
    - X is having a hard time (is experiencing some difficulty) staying on his feet;
    - [in limited contexts] X is almost dropping from fatigue;
    - X is dead on his feet.
         ♦ [Ольга:] Я устала, едва на ногах стою... (Чехов 5). [О.:] I'm tired, I can barely stand on my feet... (5c).
         ♦ [author's usage] "Ну, веришь, Порфирий, [Раскольников] сам едва на ногах, а чуть только мы, я да Зосимов, вчера отвернулись - оделся и удрал потихоньку и куролесил где-то чуть не до полночи..." (Достоевский 3). "Would you believe it, Porfiry, he [Raskolnikov] could hardly stand up, but as soon as we-Zossimov and I-turned our backs yesterday, he got dressed and made off on the sly, and carried on somewhere till almost midnight..." (3c).
         ♦ Зурин поминутно мне подливал, повторяя, что надобно к службе привыкать. Встав из-за стола, я чуть держался на ногах... (Пушкин 2). Zurin kept filling my glass, repeating that I must get used to the ways of the Service. When I rose from the table, I could hardly stand up straight (2b).
         ♦ Договор был обмыт, и в сумерках, покидая контору, оба с трудом держались на ногах (Войнович 2). The agreement was sealed with a drink and when, at twilight, the two of them left the office, they were both experiencing some difficulty staying on their feet (2a).
         ♦ Главное было передохнуть и не ездить в Москву. Передышка нам была нужна как воздух. И психически сил не хватало на нищенство у довольно бедных людей, хотя по тем временам они казались богачами, и главное - потому что мы оба еле держались на ногах (Мандельштам 2)....The main thing for us was to have a break from our journeys into Moscow. We needed this as much as air to breathe. We just had no heart anymore for the business of begging from people who were themselves quite poor - though by the standards of those times they seemed very well off. But even more to the point, we were almost dropping from fatigue (2a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > еле стоять на ногах

  • 16 на ногах не держаться

    [VP; subj: human; usu. pres or past]
    to walk with difficulty (because of exhaustion, weakness, intoxication etc):
    - X едва держится на ногах X can hardly (barely, scarcely) stand on his feet;
    - X can hardly (barely, scarcely) stand up (straight);
    - X is having a hard time (is experiencing some difficulty) staying on his feet;
    - [in limited contexts] X is almost dropping from fatigue;
    - X is dead on his feet.
         ♦ [Ольга:] Я устала, едва на ногах стою... (Чехов 5). [О.:] I'm tired, I can barely stand on my feet... (5c).
         ♦ [author's usage] "Ну, веришь, Порфирий, [Раскольников] сам едва на ногах, а чуть только мы, я да Зосимов, вчера отвернулись - оделся и удрал потихоньку и куролесил где-то чуть не до полночи..." (Достоевский 3). "Would you believe it, Porfiry, he [Raskolnikov] could hardly stand up, but as soon as we-Zossimov and I-turned our backs yesterday, he got dressed and made off on the sly, and carried on somewhere till almost midnight..." (3c).
         ♦ Зурин поминутно мне подливал, повторяя, что надобно к службе привыкать. Встав из-за стола, я чуть держался на ногах... (Пушкин 2). Zurin kept filling my glass, repeating that I must get used to the ways of the Service. When I rose from the table, I could hardly stand up straight (2b).
         ♦ Договор был обмыт, и в сумерках, покидая контору, оба с трудом держались на ногах (Войнович 2). The agreement was sealed with a drink and when, at twilight, the two of them left the office, they were both experiencing some difficulty staying on their feet (2a).
         ♦ Главное было передохнуть и не ездить в Москву. Передышка нам была нужна как воздух. И психически сил не хватало на нищенство у довольно бедных людей, хотя по тем временам они казались богачами, и главное - потому что мы оба еле держались на ногах (Мандельштам 2)....The main thing for us was to have a break from our journeys into Moscow. We needed this as much as air to breathe. We just had no heart anymore for the business of begging from people who were themselves quite poor - though by the standards of those times they seemed very well off. But even more to the point, we were almost dropping from fatigue (2a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > на ногах не держаться

  • 17 на ногах не стоять

    [VP; subj: human; usu. pres or past]
    to walk with difficulty (because of exhaustion, weakness, intoxication etc):
    - X едва держится на ногах X can hardly (barely, scarcely) stand on his feet;
    - X can hardly (barely, scarcely) stand up (straight);
    - X is having a hard time (is experiencing some difficulty) staying on his feet;
    - [in limited contexts] X is almost dropping from fatigue;
    - X is dead on his feet.
         ♦ [Ольга:] Я устала, едва на ногах стою... (Чехов 5). [О.:] I'm tired, I can barely stand on my feet... (5c).
         ♦ [author's usage] "Ну, веришь, Порфирий, [Раскольников] сам едва на ногах, а чуть только мы, я да Зосимов, вчера отвернулись - оделся и удрал потихоньку и куролесил где-то чуть не до полночи..." (Достоевский 3). "Would you believe it, Porfiry, he [Raskolnikov] could hardly stand up, but as soon as we-Zossimov and I-turned our backs yesterday, he got dressed and made off on the sly, and carried on somewhere till almost midnight..." (3c).
         ♦ Зурин поминутно мне подливал, повторяя, что надобно к службе привыкать. Встав из-за стола, я чуть держался на ногах... (Пушкин 2). Zurin kept filling my glass, repeating that I must get used to the ways of the Service. When I rose from the table, I could hardly stand up straight (2b).
         ♦ Договор был обмыт, и в сумерках, покидая контору, оба с трудом держались на ногах (Войнович 2). The agreement was sealed with a drink and when, at twilight, the two of them left the office, they were both experiencing some difficulty staying on their feet (2a).
         ♦ Главное было передохнуть и не ездить в Москву. Передышка нам была нужна как воздух. И психически сил не хватало на нищенство у довольно бедных людей, хотя по тем временам они казались богачами, и главное - потому что мы оба еле держались на ногах (Мандельштам 2)....The main thing for us was to have a break from our journeys into Moscow. We needed this as much as air to breathe. We just had no heart anymore for the business of begging from people who were themselves quite poor - though by the standards of those times they seemed very well off. But even more to the point, we were almost dropping from fatigue (2a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > на ногах не стоять

  • 18 с трудом держаться на ногах

    [VP; subj: human; usu. pres or past]
    to walk with difficulty (because of exhaustion, weakness, intoxication etc):
    - X едва держится на ногах X can hardly (barely, scarcely) stand on his feet;
    - X can hardly (barely, scarcely) stand up (straight);
    - X is having a hard time (is experiencing some difficulty) staying on his feet;
    - [in limited contexts] X is almost dropping from fatigue;
    - X is dead on his feet.
         ♦ [Ольга:] Я устала, едва на ногах стою... (Чехов 5). [О.:] I'm tired, I can barely stand on my feet... (5c).
         ♦ [author's usage] "Ну, веришь, Порфирий, [Раскольников] сам едва на ногах, а чуть только мы, я да Зосимов, вчера отвернулись - оделся и удрал потихоньку и куролесил где-то чуть не до полночи..." (Достоевский 3). "Would you believe it, Porfiry, he [Raskolnikov] could hardly stand up, but as soon as we-Zossimov and I-turned our backs yesterday, he got dressed and made off on the sly, and carried on somewhere till almost midnight..." (3c).
         ♦ Зурин поминутно мне подливал, повторяя, что надобно к службе привыкать. Встав из-за стола, я чуть держался на ногах... (Пушкин 2). Zurin kept filling my glass, repeating that I must get used to the ways of the Service. When I rose from the table, I could hardly stand up straight (2b).
         ♦ Договор был обмыт, и в сумерках, покидая контору, оба с трудом держались на ногах (Войнович 2). The agreement was sealed with a drink and when, at twilight, the two of them left the office, they were both experiencing some difficulty staying on their feet (2a).
         ♦ Главное было передохнуть и не ездить в Москву. Передышка нам была нужна как воздух. И психически сил не хватало на нищенство у довольно бедных людей, хотя по тем временам они казались богачами, и главное - потому что мы оба еле держались на ногах (Мандельштам 2)....The main thing for us was to have a break from our journeys into Moscow. We needed this as much as air to breathe. We just had no heart anymore for the business of begging from people who were themselves quite poor - though by the standards of those times they seemed very well off. But even more to the point, we were almost dropping from fatigue (2a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > с трудом держаться на ногах

  • 19 с трудом стоять на ногах

    [VP; subj: human; usu. pres or past]
    to walk with difficulty (because of exhaustion, weakness, intoxication etc):
    - X едва держится на ногах X can hardly (barely, scarcely) stand on his feet;
    - X can hardly (barely, scarcely) stand up (straight);
    - X is having a hard time (is experiencing some difficulty) staying on his feet;
    - [in limited contexts] X is almost dropping from fatigue;
    - X is dead on his feet.
         ♦ [Ольга:] Я устала, едва на ногах стою... (Чехов 5). [О.:] I'm tired, I can barely stand on my feet... (5c).
         ♦ [author's usage] "Ну, веришь, Порфирий, [Раскольников] сам едва на ногах, а чуть только мы, я да Зосимов, вчера отвернулись - оделся и удрал потихоньку и куролесил где-то чуть не до полночи..." (Достоевский 3). "Would you believe it, Porfiry, he [Raskolnikov] could hardly stand up, but as soon as we-Zossimov and I-turned our backs yesterday, he got dressed and made off on the sly, and carried on somewhere till almost midnight..." (3c).
         ♦ Зурин поминутно мне подливал, повторяя, что надобно к службе привыкать. Встав из-за стола, я чуть держался на ногах... (Пушкин 2). Zurin kept filling my glass, repeating that I must get used to the ways of the Service. When I rose from the table, I could hardly stand up straight (2b).
         ♦ Договор был обмыт, и в сумерках, покидая контору, оба с трудом держались на ногах (Войнович 2). The agreement was sealed with a drink and when, at twilight, the two of them left the office, they were both experiencing some difficulty staying on their feet (2a).
         ♦ Главное было передохнуть и не ездить в Москву. Передышка нам была нужна как воздух. И психически сил не хватало на нищенство у довольно бедных людей, хотя по тем временам они казались богачами, и главное - потому что мы оба еле держались на ногах (Мандельштам 2)....The main thing for us was to have a break from our journeys into Moscow. We needed this as much as air to breathe. We just had no heart anymore for the business of begging from people who were themselves quite poor - though by the standards of those times they seemed very well off. But even more to the point, we were almost dropping from fatigue (2a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > с трудом стоять на ногах

  • 20 чуть держаться на ногах

    [VP; subj: human; usu. pres or past]
    to walk with difficulty (because of exhaustion, weakness, intoxication etc):
    - X едва держится на ногах X can hardly (barely, scarcely) stand on his feet;
    - X can hardly (barely, scarcely) stand up (straight);
    - X is having a hard time (is experiencing some difficulty) staying on his feet;
    - [in limited contexts] X is almost dropping from fatigue;
    - X is dead on his feet.
         ♦ [Ольга:] Я устала, едва на ногах стою... (Чехов 5). [О.:] I'm tired, I can barely stand on my feet... (5c).
         ♦ [author's usage] "Ну, веришь, Порфирий, [Раскольников] сам едва на ногах, а чуть только мы, я да Зосимов, вчера отвернулись - оделся и удрал потихоньку и куролесил где-то чуть не до полночи..." (Достоевский 3). "Would you believe it, Porfiry, he [Raskolnikov] could hardly stand up, but as soon as we-Zossimov and I-turned our backs yesterday, he got dressed and made off on the sly, and carried on somewhere till almost midnight..." (3c).
         ♦ Зурин поминутно мне подливал, повторяя, что надобно к службе привыкать. Встав из-за стола, я чуть держался на ногах... (Пушкин 2). Zurin kept filling my glass, repeating that I must get used to the ways of the Service. When I rose from the table, I could hardly stand up straight (2b).
         ♦ Договор был обмыт, и в сумерках, покидая контору, оба с трудом держались на ногах (Войнович 2). The agreement was sealed with a drink and when, at twilight, the two of them left the office, they were both experiencing some difficulty staying on their feet (2a).
         ♦ Главное было передохнуть и не ездить в Москву. Передышка нам была нужна как воздух. И психически сил не хватало на нищенство у довольно бедных людей, хотя по тем временам они казались богачами, и главное - потому что мы оба еле держались на ногах (Мандельштам 2)....The main thing for us was to have a break from our journeys into Moscow. We needed this as much as air to breathe. We just had no heart anymore for the business of begging from people who were themselves quite poor - though by the standards of those times they seemed very well off. But even more to the point, we were almost dropping from fatigue (2a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > чуть держаться на ногах

См. также в других словарях:

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  • feet on the ground — (your) feet on the ground a realistic understanding of your own ideas, actions, and decisions. It is hard to keep your feet on the ground when you suddenly become famous. Usage notes: sometimes used in the form both feet on the ground: She s a… …   New idioms dictionary

  • your feet on the ground — (your) feet on the ground a realistic understanding of your own ideas, actions, and decisions. It is hard to keep your feet on the ground when you suddenly become famous. Usage notes: sometimes used in the form both feet on the ground: She s a… …   New idioms dictionary

  • Feet of Flames — Michael Flatley s Feet of Flames is an Irish dance show directed by Michael Flatley and scored by Ronan Hardiman.HistoryFeet of Flames:Hyde ParkFeet of Flames was created in 1998 by dancer Michael Flatley, made famous by the musical Riverdance .… …   Wikipedia

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